My friendship garden,
infected by dead flower heads.

Deadhead time has come!

An original haiku (thanks for the idea, K!) about the way I am feeling about a few friends in my life right now.  It is apparent to me that friends, like flowers, sometimes need to be clipped from the plant in order for the plant to thrive and grow more flowers.  It doesn't seem to matter how much work I put in, these few "flowers" seem to be stunted in growth, so before I let them choke me and my other friendships out, I'm going to do what any good gardener would do.  Deadhead.

I wish these flowers no ill-will.  Perhaps some day they can thrive in my garden again, but for now I need to spend time tending to the other flowers that actually respond to my efforts and reward my efforts with positive growth.  I take care of them, and they take care of me by being the best flowers they can be.
2 Responses
  1. K. Greer Says:

    I'm not surprised to read this post. Love the haiku, and the intelligent introspection. Just call me Chrysanthemum.