I have a problem. I realized recently that my brain 's hard drive does not automatically save all the fabulous ideas I have! At least twenty times a day, an idea for how to finish an existing story (that is supposed to become my next novel) or a new idea for a story pops into my head. I could be driving down the road and listening to a CD or actively tuning out the my kids' incessant chatter when, like a ton of bricks, an idea hits me!

Tracy should totally seduce David in the swimming pool. No, wait...he should seduce her. They'll have a big fight at work, work it out over dinner, and then he'll invite her ... she'll just show up at his house with ... beer? Wine, was it?

I can't remember now that I'm at my computer because I thought of it while I was on my way to the grocery store. I remembered to get starch for the hubby (who reminded me three times before he left for work). I remembered to get stamps from the Post Office, though I don't remember why I needed three of them. I remembered that we needed black pepper and that I was supposed to remind the hubby to get a title of a book from his boss for me. Hell, I remember my senior year class schedule from high school---including who taught each class! But I can't remember what Tracy was going to say when confronted by the man she's loved she was a kid. And because I can't remember, every time I boot up the computer and try to write I loathe what pours forth onto the page. Seriously! I have deleted more words than I've written in the last few days.

So whose bright idea it was to equip computers with an "autosave" function but not my brain? Perhaps I should work on this type of technology. I am certain there is a market for it. There's no way that I am the only person this happens to. What's that? I should walk around with a digital recording device so that I can say my ideas out loud when I think of them? Yeah, right. Picture it: Sicily, 1935. A young girl is working on her father's fishing boat... (A Golden Girls reference. I couldn't resist! RIP Bea Arthur and Estell Getty). But, seriously, did you miss the part about being in a noisy car with music and chatty kids? I'm supposed to add fumbling in my purse---while I drive---to find a voice recorder? By the time I find it, I have every reason to believe that I will have forgotten what I wanted to record ... or be in a ditch! Plus, I have a digital recording device. It's called an iPhone. Please refer to the aforementioned noise and possibility of peril as I fumble for it when I need it.

No, hear me clearly. I need an "autosave" feature implanted into my brain. Post haste. I shouldn't call it writer's block. I should call it writer's amnesia. I can only pray that it's of the short term variety or I may never publish again.


Tracy hits her head on the steering wheel during a car accident! She was trying to dictate notes into her digital recorder when she swerves off the road. David is the first on the scene to save her because he's ... a doctor.

Hmmmm ... Maybe I should I stop belly-aching and write that down.
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