
I wonder why it is that ev-er-y time I go out of town without the hubby, it is impossible to get him on the phone? I am merely trying to check in, let him know I made it in safely, and tell him I love him---the usual drill. But as usual, he is nowhere to be found when I arrive after eight long hours of driving (or riding).

Fortunately for me, I am not concerned that he is out doing body shots off butt-naked freaks. That's not his stilo---he would never do body shots, but his freaks would serve a mean Amaretto Sour, though! No. He is somewhere sans cell phone and doing something totally constructive (like cleaning or studying or exercising) and has not thought about the fact that I am pulling my hair out with worry over his whereabouts! And when he finally calls (which will be before he goes to bed and when it finally occurs to him that he hasn't heard from me), he'll call and enjoy a private laugh at my expense for ever worrying at all.

Now to his credit, I did leave him a voice message ... and an email the moment I arrived at my well-appointed condo in Orlando (which I'll blog about later). I updated Twitter and Facebook, so it's more than possible that he is well aware that I arrived safely. But that's not the point. I need to know that he is all right! I need to be assured that he will somehow manage to feed himself and get to and from work without me. I know. It's not like I am all that helpful with those endeavors any other day, but every married person reading this knows exactly what I'm talking about! Plus, since I am the woman, I know for a fact that if the shoe was on the other foot, he would be beside himself for not being immediately available to him when he called me. But that's another ball of wax.

Oh well...I guess I will just have to continue to stalk him on all his numbers, suffer his mild irritation when I finally reach him, and try not to sound too exasperated when I get to him. I'll simply say, "Hey, Sweetie! Whatcha been doing? I miss you and love you." He'll answer my questions and ask me a few cursory questions of his own. We'll nonchalantly end the conversation as if we'll wake up next to each other in the morning.

And then we'll dance this dance again. Tomorrow.

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4 Responses
  1. kmoody Says:

    First, congrats on your first blog! I know you have a lot to say, so I'm glad that you're finally getting it off your chest. Again, you don't have to be great to get started, but you do have to get started to be great.

    Second, in response to today's topic, I own my "shadiness" when it comes to my phone and my lack of communication. Moreover, I am consistently indiscriminate. I NEVER answer my phone, regardless of who's calling - which leads me to my point...

    People should own their shortcomings. Don't try to rationalize them, defend them, project them onto others, or explain them away. Own them! It's okay; we all have them. The world would be a much better place if we would simply own who we are and stop pretending to be someone we're not. I'm sure this is a future blog topic, so I'll step aside and allow you to "tee off" on this later.

    Finally, before I go, let me leave you with this: a good rule in life is to "say it out loud." If you don't like the way it sounds, do something to change it.

    Great job on the first blog. This one was straight off the tee right down the middle of the fairway.

    Call me!!

  2. Amber Anique Says:

    Congrats on the blog! I'll have to put on my blogroll!!

  3. akgreer Says:

    TEE-hee (couldn't resist). First off, spirit fingers in the air. Yay, blogger girl! I'm so proud of you for this. I know you are reticent about your personal dealings.

    That said (and as no surprise to you, I'm sure), I know EXACTLY what you mean! If I were to travel and fail to call Courtland once in place, I'd fully expect him to activate some hidden GPS system in my Lady Hanes. Then a helicopter would land and a camouflaged, black man would emerge, AK-47 in hand, ready to decimate whomever delayed my arrival. It's just that serious.

    I must say I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Kevin's response. (Call me? Hilarity!) Would that we'd all own our shortcomings. However, I'd like a little effort to follow the owning, and all. Double standard much? Shoot, I can't even go to pump gas after dark without a police escort!

    You've done a great job, here, chica. You even got me to sign up for a Google account, which has not been accomplished to this point, even by blogs more aged than yours. I'm going to read them all, so keep them coming. And, to further the corny golf-related commentary, I'll end by saying this was well under par. Hmm. That metaphor doesn't work so well here. Let's just say it was great.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I told Dan he could go on vacation without me and he got OFFENDED. Help me! I see no problem with spending a weekend apart. Although I will play the role of your hubby and Dan will be you. ;) Teach me, oh wise one. How did you score a separate vay-cay? I LOVE Dan, but I love my me time, too. Help a sister out.